zaterdag 1 februari 2025

Black and White

Hello blog friends

I recently spent an hour at home crafting online. One of the ladies gave all the assignments and we (the other three ladies) had to make our creations based on those assignments. We had already received a list in advance with the items that had to be ready for the live, so that we could continue working. It was really fun to craft together in this way.

The Art Journal page that I made fits perfectly into the new challenge of Scrapping4funChallenges where I am a designer. In February 2025 we have Challenge 242 Black and White plus one color.

What did I use:

- Black paper

- White watercolor paint from Van Bleiswijck

- DDBD Mask 470.715.137

White Gesso from Cadence

Photos I won a while ago at a challenge

- Washi tape from Avec

- Splashes made with white One4All acrylic twin marker

- Black Artist Fineliner 0,1 mm

Text read somewhere and printed out

- Uni-ball Signo pen, UM-153 white

With this mixed media creation I am participating in:

Penny's Challenge #589 
Art Journal Journey Music 
A Perfect Time To Craft February, #2-2025 
Creative Fingers Challenge #293.. 

7 opmerkingen:

  1. Beautiful journal page, love the background and pictures you used.
    Carol x

  2. You have created a beautiful page! Thank you for your DT Creation at Scrapping4funChallenges. Hugs Rachelle

  3. That's a great page. I love the designs around the photos. Thanks for linking up to Vicki's Music challenge at AJJ. hugs-Erika

  4. Your page is absolutely beautiful, Annie. I love the vintage photos! Thank you for joining us at Art Journal Journey Monthly! Hugs, Sharon

  5. Fantastic page and I really love how you've went about your background design! It gives it that antique feel to go with your photos! Thanks so much for playing along with my music theme for Art Journal Journey my friend!

  6. Prachtige pagina. Leuk dat je meedoet bij Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge. Groetjes Sylvia DT.

  7. Fabulous page, love the old photos and your layout.


Ik vind het heel leuk als je een reactie achterlaat.

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